Monday, February 15, 2016

A History of Downzoning

The year is 1995. A landlord is renovating his triplex when a concerned neighbor appeals to the neighborhood association for help. The organization comes to the rescue, deciding¹ that "because the building has been vacant for over a year, the nonconforming use expires and the building should revert to a duplex." The neighborhood was Lowry Hill East. And that heroic concerned neighbor would go on to become the chairman of LHENA's 2004 rezoning subcommittee.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

2015 Council Fundraising

2015 Minneapolis City Council fundraising
Minneapolis City Council campaign fundraising disclosures were due on February 1st. The Star Tribune ran an article about Council fundraising on February 5th. Council President Barb Johnson filed her report on February 8th. As a result there's not a single mention of Barb in the story. Pretty clever, Barb, but your tricks don't work on Wedge LIVE.