Allow me to livetweet the @WedgeLIVE press conference, already in progress...
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
First of all let me say, I'm proud to announce that our ratings have gone from a core audience 40 viewers to over 13,000 views since Friday.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
Of course, this success invites added scrutiny. We are prepared for this. As of this afternoon, we have backed up all the comments to PDF.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
Furthermore, Nicole Curtis has finally picked an opponent that suits her. A goofball neighborhood blogger with 163 followers on Twitter.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
Before I leave the podium, I'd just like to say: to all the haters, Healy fans, Nicole's Facebook friends...
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
Houses are not people. They do not feel pain. I'm happy to see many of them preserved. But you guys need to stop losing your shit over this.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
You can disagree with the City Council's vote (11-2) to allow demolition. You can disagree with a judge who ruled against you twice...
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
But for those of us who aren't a part of the Rehab Addict subculture, we demand proof. Corruption. Bribes. "Disturbing" emails. Prove it.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
Thank you all for coming out. I'm happy to take any questions.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
Yes, you, the disheveled man in the front row, what's your question? RT @anton612: @WedgeLIVE why do you hate america?
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
I invite you to inspect my PDFs, sir. Next question! RT @anton612: @WedgeLIVE I should rephrase that. Why do you slander patriots?
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
Transient, through and through. Proud of it. RT @MrFesser: @WedgeLIVE Are you one of those...renter types?
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
.@MattyLangMSP I aboslutely deny it. I tried a beard once. Didn't like it. And I'm older than you'd think based on the nonsense I tweet.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015
OK, folks, that's it. @WedgeLIVE has some more screenshotting to do. Thanks, everyone.
— Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE) March 2, 2015